Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Potty Time!

So, tomorrow is a big day. It is the day I am potty training Adam. Oh sure, I have the little toilet seat. I have for a while. I even have Starbursts waiting for be awarded to Adam for any use of the toilet. Does he care? Has he ever cared? NOPE. Well, no more. Tomorrow we are putting on the underwear and not getting anymore diapers. We are hanging out by the toilet all day until it has been used. Then a diaper for bed. Friday we start all over again. He has until Monday to get it right. I figure four good days hanging out by the toilet should do. I am very optimistic. I have heard this method works and I look forward to success.We will see how I feel after washing 7 pairs of peed in underwear in the sink tomorrow. I imagine that my bravado will be replaced with a sick feeling of utter failure. I will update tomorrow with my progress... or despair.

1 comment:

Lively's said...

Oh I am so excited! But poor you! 4 days by the toilet! I think I would be sick! I guess I can't talk until I am there though. They say girls do it better than boys. I am keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck! Miss you!