Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh, to be tiny!

Laundry is not high on my list of likes. The joy I get from seeing those mountains of stained, soiled clothing is about the same amount of joy I derive from a papercut or a hang nail. I try to keep up, but in a house of 5, it's nearly impossible.
Today I only had one load to fold. On lists of pleasure one load is a -1. 0 is of course complete apathy, and 10 is ecstacy. Each load takes the number farther into the negative. I have never hit a -10...
I digress.
Today I had only one load of laundry to fold. Levi was at my feet playing in his gym. I dive in. You know how you whip laundry sometimes? It gets stuck or crinkly and you grab the top and snap it down? It makes that cool pop sound that you know would hurt a butt if they happened to meet? Anyone? Bueller?
I did that with something. 5 feet below my head someone busts out in giggles. Who knew this was funny? Levi is still at an age where the biggest laughs come from face to face time. He likes peek-a-boo and he likes when the boys play with him. (mostly)
Still, for some reason, this piqued his interest.
I tried again.
It got to the point where each time I picked up a new piece of laundry he would kick his legs and flap his arms in anticipation. Then,
I didn't even have to look at him. But then, how do you not look at a baby with the giggles. So cute. He did it the entire time. Every piece of laundry was acknowledged with tiny joy. For probably the first and last time of my life, I was sad to see the bottom of the laundry basket.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Charity Never Faileth

There are certain people in my life that stress me out. I mean more than I can stand sometimes. To the point where I just wanna get away, it's either that or yell. I'm more of a bottle it up kind of person though. I don't wanna hurt their feelings even when mine are hurt. So, I just get mad and stew and stew until I lash out.

Recently, after spending time with one such person, I read a conference article. Trust good old President Tommy (That's right, not just first name, but nickname basis) to put me in my place. I wasn't even home yet when I came across this gem. I was so ashamed and also kind of mad. He doesn't know what I go through! Then I remembered that Jesus knows everything we go through. And that sweet guy was a turn-the-other-cheek-er.

Now, I'm way too far away from being Christ-like to take undeserved punishment, but this talk kind of helped me see past my own annoyed feelings to try and see what other people are going through.

Here are a couple of quotes from the talk that hit home:

"I have in mind the charity that manifests itself when we are tolerant of others and lenient toward their actions, the kind of charity that forgives, the kind of charity that is patient.

I have in mind the charity that impels us to be sympathetic, compassionate, and merciful, not only in times of sickness and affliction and distress but also in times of weakness or error on the part of others.

Charity is having patience with someone who has let us down. It is resisting the impulse to become offended easily. It is accepting weaknesses and shortcomings

In a hundred small ways, all of you wear the mantle of charity. Life is perfect for none of us. Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other, may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life. May we recognize that each one is doing her best to deal with the challenges which come her way, and may we strive to do our best to help out."

This is just some of the talk. I'm sure by reading the parts I picked you can see where I fall short. When people offend me, or do something that is hurtful or wrong to me, I tend to judge. I tend to get offended and I tend to get mad. I have no inclination to turn another cheek. I want to start hitting back instead.

President Monson says don't get pissed off, but try to understand. I will try.

(I'm not sure he would say "pissed off"...)

If you want to read this whole talk (and if you haven't already, you really should, it's amazing!) here is the link:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Poor Kyle.

I did have plans. I was hoping to have a nice clean house for the man to come home to. Something lacy and cute on the wife, perhaps a great dinner, chocolate covered strawberries as is tradition for us.

What happens instead? I wake up and twinge my neck so bad I can barely move. The house is a disaster. Kyle is picking up Chipotle and anything that should happen after lacy clothing is probably not an option. What a winning Valentine's Day huh? I'm a disappointment to myself!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dear lingerie,

I hope you have enjoyed your year off. Don't think I've forgotten you or abandoned you to the darkest places in my closet. I see you there each day collecting dust. I hear your snide remarks and I see everytime you recoil in fear. Yes, I know you fear being stretched to the breaking point of pretty lacy things. Do not worry. I have known you weren't ready for this jelly. I know i have caused some abandonment issues. Believe when I tell you, it was for your own good. But fear not, my sweet pinks, blacks, and reds. The time soon approaches for you to be exercised and have a chance to use your skill. Luckily, you have an entire holiday dedicated to your... Talents.
Yours forever,
Ps. The sweats meant nothing to me. I was thinking of you the whole time.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Primary Talk

Adam gave a talk in primary yesterday. It was his first one. I, unfortunately, forgot about it until Saturday. I had hoped he would have it completely memorized by Sunday. Still, he knew it pretty well and I figured he was ready. I didn't go to church cause I wasn't feeling well. Kyle took the boys. Well, wouldn't you know but that little snot wouldn't perform. He didn't want to sit in the chair for the talk, he didn't want to stand on the step stool, and most of all he didn't want to talk! Piss me off.
This is all he had to say:
"Heavenly Father gave us the scriptures to guide our lives. In them are things we need to know to return to Heaven to live with Him. One example is the Word of Wisdom. It teaches us things Heavenly Father wants us to stay away from, like alcohol. I'm grateful for the scriptures and for Heavenly Father and Jesus. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
Long? Nope. Difficult? Not really. Adam can't seem to say the word "guide". He kept saying to "dot our lives". Weird huh? His only hang up was that it was scary to talk in front of people. Silly booger. Next time I will prepare him better...