Monday, February 7, 2011

Primary Talk

Adam gave a talk in primary yesterday. It was his first one. I, unfortunately, forgot about it until Saturday. I had hoped he would have it completely memorized by Sunday. Still, he knew it pretty well and I figured he was ready. I didn't go to church cause I wasn't feeling well. Kyle took the boys. Well, wouldn't you know but that little snot wouldn't perform. He didn't want to sit in the chair for the talk, he didn't want to stand on the step stool, and most of all he didn't want to talk! Piss me off.
This is all he had to say:
"Heavenly Father gave us the scriptures to guide our lives. In them are things we need to know to return to Heaven to live with Him. One example is the Word of Wisdom. It teaches us things Heavenly Father wants us to stay away from, like alcohol. I'm grateful for the scriptures and for Heavenly Father and Jesus. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
Long? Nope. Difficult? Not really. Adam can't seem to say the word "guide". He kept saying to "dot our lives". Weird huh? His only hang up was that it was scary to talk in front of people. Silly booger. Next time I will prepare him better...

1 comment:

Britty said...

I've written more than one talk during sacrament meeting... luckily Chandler is a total ham. Rowan on the other hand, I'm sure that won't be pretty either when it's his turn!