Sunday, January 25, 2009


I'm not sure exactly how this works. Ashley tagged me doing some 5 things I hate about today... I think that means I just write what I hate right? Well, that's what I'm assuming.
1. I hate the zit under my nose
2. I hate that I lost nearly 30 pounds and half came out of my boobs. It's very sad.
3. I hate that my boys poop so freaking much! It's just not normal!
4. I hate that I had to get up early cause we have church at 9 now.
5. I hate that just when you want time to fly it moves like molasses. Then when you're ready to savor moments they fly by in a whirl of colors!
And that's it. I don't know enough people who blog to tag them! So. um. yeah. =)

1 comment:

Lively's said...

yeah! That was wonderful. This girl in my ward tagged me, and it just makes people actually write something. It is kind of fun!