Monday, December 14, 2009


I suck at blogging. I thought I'd be really good at it cause I love to write. But I go to school full time (my last final is Thursday!!!) and I have two very active little boys and I just don't find time. It's not that I can't make time, I just forget amid everything else.
In case you didn't know, I'm pregnant. I'm 9 weeks today, due July 19th. I am hoping for a girl. Not that I wouldn't be as happy with a boy, I just have two of those already. As it stands:
2 boys
0 girls
1 unknown
Kyle doesn't much care one way or the other.
I've thought I would wear pink everyday till my 20 week ultrasound to try to give the baby subliminal messages to be a girl. But since the sex is decided at conception, and there is a 50/50 chance it is a boy, I decided against it. If it is a boy, I don't want to confuse him. =D
I have been feeling very sick. I don't throw up, I just feel queasy every time I move. It is nasty. I just want to lay in bed forever. Right here I have to say, I'm so grateful for Kyle! I've gotten much worse at doing dishes/laundry/any kind of house cleaning. He keeps surprising me with a clean kitchen. It's fantastic.

So, I have a final tomorrow that I have to go to. It's kind of silly. I took a children's literature course this semester. The final is simply, bring your favorite children's book and a food that relates. Easy at least! I am taking the Eleventh Hour by Graeme Base and I think birthday cake! Yay me! I hope I get an A on the final! =D

Let's see, Anything else to tell the maybe 2 people who check my blog? Umm... Probably nothing you folks don't already know! Here's hoping I get better at blogging so that this page gets more itneresting.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Yay! Congratulations! Good luck on Finals!