Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Scripture Reading

Wanna know something cool? We've read our scriptures as a family every day for two and a half weeks! Is that a huge accomplishment? Probably not to some, but to us, yes! We just started reading as a family. We have a great system in place that is really keeping us and the kids motivated. After reading for one whole week we had ice cream sandwiches.Then we moved the time line to two weeks. Our next special treat is coming up on Monday. We will be buying happy meals, something we never ever do. Our kids are very excited about that. I don't know what we will get once we have read for three whole weeks, but four weeks is going to be us seeing Avengers: Age of Ultron! I am very excited about that.
It has been tough. There are times when Kyle isn't home till late and there are times when I am in a terrible, terrible mood! But I am so proud of us and our kids. They are really doing a great job. Especially Adam, he understands and pays so much attention. He's awesome. Caleb gets frustrated. He's trying, but he just doesn't understand the language yet.
Anyway, I will update to say how it's going. I have neglected this blog and that's too bad. I enjoy looking back at it and remembering things that otherwise would have been lost. I will try to do better. We shall see.

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