Sunday, February 28, 2016

New Testament

Easter is around the corner. And I finished the Book of Mormon about a week ago. It's time for a new goal, y'all. I am excited to start the New Testament today. What better time to read about the life of Christ than nearing the most important holiday in Christianity? I mean, Christmas is a big deal, but the truth is Christ's birth isn't the most important part of the plan of Salvation, is it? Nope, that honor belongs to the Atonement. I am excited for this next goal. I have 29 days before Easter and a 30 day plan for the New Testament. I am going to have to double down one day, but I'm sure I can handle it. I've read the New Testament before and I actually find it rather easy reading. At least compared to some of the drier parts of the Book of Mormon. Isaiah, anyone?
Speaking of the Book of Mormon, my awesome husband gave his first lesson in Gospel Doctrine today. He did great! And he publicly thanked me for all my help. It was rather sweet. I LOVE helping him prepare. We spent hours together this weekend, pouring over the information, finding clips and quotes, and editing what we'd chosen. I loved it. It's better than a date, honestly. On a date you eat food and watch movies, and still play games on your phone sometimes... Rolling up your sleeves and working together is a horse of a different color. Bouncing ideas off each other and sharing knowledge is sexier than just about anything. I would definitely recommend that if your spouse has a calling that they could use help with, help them! You won't regret it!
Wish me luck with my reading. Or join me. Again, you won't regret it.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Whew! All done. I read the Book of Mormon in 30 days. Now I need a new goal....

Sunday, February 7, 2016

I am not doing fabulously right now. I've had a very depressing and hard week. I let myself have a pity week. I was lazy and unhappy all week, and this morning when it came time for church, I just couldn't muster the energy needed to listen to testimonies.
Stupid week. 
I'm over it now. It's Sunday night and I'm committing to having a good week. I will do what I gotta do and stop being a whiner.
Okay, in less depressing things, I am nearly done with the Book of Mormon. I started January 21st, so I'm pretty proud of myself. So what happened, was that last January 20th, I went to the temple. As I was praying beforehand, to feel the Spirit and such, I prayed to have my testimony of the Book of Mormon strengthened. The thought immediately came into my mind, "well, read it dummy!"
I don't know if the Spirit called me a dummy or if I added that part. I don't think it matters. I deserved to be called a dummy. It makes sense. How can I want strengthening without any work? Silly me.
So that's about it. I am simultaneously having a bad time and also have a grand life. I figure that means I get to pick which one I focus on. Last week I focused on the bad, from now on, it's all good! :)

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Something Nerdy to Remember

Sometimes I just write things here so I don't forget them. Don't mind me, I'm a little sentimental, and I fear my memory may not always be the vault it is today.
Today I was in Hot Topic with my family and we were looking at a necklace of the T.A.R.D.I.S. and Adam, who possibly could not be cooler if he tried, said to me, "you should open it. It's probably bigger on the inside."
I swear I smiled for the next 30 minutes thinking of the nerdiness he has inherited. Nerdiness, coolness... potato, potahto.