Sunday, February 7, 2016

I am not doing fabulously right now. I've had a very depressing and hard week. I let myself have a pity week. I was lazy and unhappy all week, and this morning when it came time for church, I just couldn't muster the energy needed to listen to testimonies.
Stupid week. 
I'm over it now. It's Sunday night and I'm committing to having a good week. I will do what I gotta do and stop being a whiner.
Okay, in less depressing things, I am nearly done with the Book of Mormon. I started January 21st, so I'm pretty proud of myself. So what happened, was that last January 20th, I went to the temple. As I was praying beforehand, to feel the Spirit and such, I prayed to have my testimony of the Book of Mormon strengthened. The thought immediately came into my mind, "well, read it dummy!"
I don't know if the Spirit called me a dummy or if I added that part. I don't think it matters. I deserved to be called a dummy. It makes sense. How can I want strengthening without any work? Silly me.
So that's about it. I am simultaneously having a bad time and also have a grand life. I figure that means I get to pick which one I focus on. Last week I focused on the bad, from now on, it's all good! :)

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