Monday, November 3, 2008


I thought this outfit was too good not to share. If you look in the second picture you can see his tennis shoes. How very punk rock of him! I didn't do that on purpose. The truth is that kid outgrows his shoes by the time we home from the store with them. Oh well... I like that he's behind a gate in these. It reminds me of a mafioso in prison. Also, Kyle and I both said (at different times) that he looks like a 4 year-old in the first picture. I hope you enjoy his nice suit as much as I did... If you don't I don't care la la la la la la la


Lively's said...

O how I miss my little Adam! He is so cute in this picture!

Camber Casper said...

I love it, love it, love it! I can't wait to find a suit for Brady, so cute!