Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day of School

So, school is finally here. Yesterday was the first day and boy was it gross. I don't know if I was anxious or what, but I woke up at 3 the night before and never did regain unconsciousness. I watched the time tick and waited for when I had to get up.
Longest Night Ever.
I finally made peace with the fact that I was done sleeping and pulled myself out of bed at 5. yucgh!
Besides that it was a pretty good day. I start at 7:30 and have 5 classes. I get out at 3:20 and then have to pick the boys up from my parents' house. Long day. I didn't get home until 4:30. The first day of school is never interesting either. We just go over the syllabus and play games. Ice breaker games are stupid. I'm an adult and I think I can decide for myself if I want to make friends in the class. (For those of you wondering, the answer is no. I would rather just get my work done and go home.)
Wow, I just read this back. What a negative post. I have been so excited for school and this is how I show it? I'm just exhausted. I will come back when I have something happier to write.

1 comment:

The Clifts said...

Good for you! Good luck with everything.