Saturday, August 29, 2009


Adam's has really gotten into praying recently. He wants to say prayers before dinner and before bed, sometimes twice. He has gotten to the point where he doesn't need help anymore. His prayers go something like this:
"Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for our blessings. Thank you for the Sun. Thank you for the dark. Thank you for my bed. Thank you for choo-choo trains. Thank you for books. Thank you for Caleb. Thank you for whales. Name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
I think it's pretty cool that my almost three year old son dedicates all of his prayer to gratitude. Imagine all the things he could be asking for instead! It got me thinking about the things I am grateful for. Here are just a few.
1. I am grateful for Kyle. He's literally my other half; he has the talents and virtues that I lack and visa versa.
2. I am grateful for my boys. They are the just the most beautiful, loving, sweet little guys. They give the best hugs and kisses and I can't get enough of them.
3. I, too, am grateful for choo-choo trains.
4. I am grateful for second chances. If there was an award for people who screws up the most, I'd win hands down, every year. I have been blessed with more second chances than I care to count, and I am grateful for every one of them.
5. I am grateful for Kyle's new job! I feel so relieved just knowing we will have a regular income again soon. phew!
6. I am grateful for my parents and my in-laws. They give our family support and so much help. I am grateful for family that babysits the boys while I am at school and Kyle is working.
7. I am grateful for whales.
8. I am grateful for friends. I have a new friend that makes me laugh every single day and I love it!
9. I am grateful for my ward. I haven't spent much energy in the last two years getting to know my ward, but I am really trying to change that. I never knew the activities were actually a lot of fun and that people are REALLY nice. I have been missing out big time.
10. I am grateful for my nieces and nephews. I love those boogers. I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to really bond with Jaden this last year while his mom was at school. He really knows and loves me now and that is the best feeling in the world.

Well, that's the short list. I know there are a lot more things. If I forgot you, I'm grateful for you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You forgot to say you were greatful for me... =D