Sunday, April 25, 2010

Final Judgment

I have a thought on the final judgment.
Basically after we die our good and bad deeds are measured against each other. Right? Well, this is the very dumbed down kind of explanation. There's obviously a whole lot more, including the fact we couldn't do any of it without Jesus's atonement, even if we were nearly perfect.
That being said...
I think parenthood may be Heavenly Father's way of insuring that he gets as many people back as possible, because it is tough.
Even the most impatient parent who lets their children live deserves sainthood.
Even those of us who send kids to their rooms, not because they were doing anything bad, simply because we need a moment of quiet deserve sainthood!
Everyday that I'm around my children I deserve sainthood!
Mothers of boys DESERVE SAINTHOOD!!!
I'm pretty sure we are given this opportunity to make sure that no matter what else we do in life, the good outweighs the bad.
Everyday of parenting just gives me a small leg up on the bad things I've done. (Now for that bank I've been meaning to rob...)

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