Thursday, July 15, 2010

Come on!!!!

That's it. I'm officially filing a complaint against the stork. Sure he said between June 28th and July 19th. I know there's that whole 3 week span. But why do delivery people always do that?!?! They expect us to take off work and put our lives on hold because they will show up eventually in that time frame. Just tell me when the frick you are gonna show! Don't give me a giant span of time and show up on the tail end.
With Caleb the stork was so prompt. I know he's got nothing better to do. He's just taking his sweet old time because he can. He's probably parked out in front of my house eating a sandwich in his kidnapper van because he knows he doesn't HAVE to be here yet.
Piss me off....

1 comment:

Laine said...

Storks and plumbers, man. Same diff. Big ol' window of when they will supposedly be coming, then they are late anyway.

And the poop wherever they are. And they stink and let their butt crack show all the time. Oh, wait, that's just plumbers.