Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Daddy Daughter Date

I am very lucky to live by my dad. When I want to visit him I can stop by his work or drive to his house. You would think I'd get to see him a lot that way, but it just isn't the case. Our one car is usually with Kyle, at work. We try to get together for piano lessons, but it doesn't work out very often. Well this last week we went on a date. My mom was funny. She said we were only hanging out together cause she was too busy. Well Mom, I love your guts, but I wanted to hang out with Dad! It's okay. Don't be jealous.
We had a grand time. We ate lunch and went to a movie. Nothing super thrilling. It's the company that makes a date great! We had fun just chatting and catching up.
You know, most people get a Dad and that's it. They're stuck with him. Thank goodness I got to pick mine. My Dad rocks. He's smart. Not in your face smart, like he's trying to show off (except the occasional big word he throws in that you have no idea of its meaning.) He's supportive to an extreme measure. He's strong and when things go wrong he picks himself up and chugs along. And when things go wrong for me he picks me up and shoves even when I dig in my heels. He's always helping and taking care of me. He tries to teach me piano even though I am a horrible student. (I don't practice enough) He calls just to sing Happy Birthday to the boys, even if he is going to see them that day. How cool is that? He is always willing to babysit, even when my mom says no. (Of course, she ends up doing most of the leg work. He takes care of the cuddling and playing. Still, it often includes a little schedule tweaking and he is happy to convince her to do it.)
I always joke that I'm my Dad's favorite child. The great thing about my Dad is that he makes all of us feel that way. Anyone who hangs out with him can't help but feel special. But still... I'm his favorite.

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