Saturday, April 16, 2011


I am acutely aware that caffeine has the potential for addiction. My mom reached a point where she was drinking about 10 diet pepsis a day. 10 pepsis a day kept the headache away! New mantra perhaps? Well, it isn't a very good one. She got horrible headaches and finally quit the juice cold turkey. Way to go Mom!
This last week Kyle and I have been traveling. Los Angeles and st. George, ut took us somewhere close to 12 days away from home. Fun trip. Exhausting. Can't wait to get home. (I'm writing for the car, about 1 hour out.) Can't wait to have a big glass of ice cold water! You heard me. One of the reasons I can't wait to get home is for my blessed water.
I am what is known as a water snob, someone who grew up on deliciously filtered water and can drink nothing else. Utah's water leaves much to be desired. As you sip what should be tasteless your tongue instead senses every mineral the water ever came in contact with. If you are very good you may actually swallow. If you are less good, but fear dehydration, you might just reach for the Diet Coke. Stupid tolerance, and dependence and all that. I drank Diet coke and little else for almost two weeks. Oh wait, there were two Rockstars thrown in there too. No wonder I have this dang headache.

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