Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My kindergardener.

I was surprised at how well I did today. My first child went off to school. I shed no tear and felt no choking up. In fact, I was a little mad at him for getting weepy.
He got his first Father's blessing last night and that made me way more emotional. Maybe I just got it all out so I wouldn't ruin my makeup today. Or maybe I was just so thrilled to get a break from the little hellion that I was pleased to see him start his education.... Who knows?
Side note, I showed up to school at 12 to get him. He was in the principal's office. How come no one told me school ended at 11:40?!?
To be fair, there were 2 kids left in there. Out of all 20 or so students, I am only the 3rd to worst parent. Yay, me! And hahahaha to the two suckers I beat out!
Here's a picture of my sweetness.

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