Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Whiny Baby

You might not think this of me, but I'm a pretty tough gal. I weather trials pretty well. I've felt that when things were tough I've been held together with string and duct tape, but still, no matter what I am put together.
The Relief Society president called me yesterday, said she'd been thinking about me and wanted to come visit. Well, when the lady in charge asks what's happening in your life you tell her. It was horrible! The little things that I normally brush off as "just another trial" all came crashing down on me when I had to talk about them. I'm was all held together, but talking about EVERYTHING right in a row just made it so much harder! I had a small pity party and even cried a little bit. Shame on me. So many people have so much harder things to bear. What's my trials by comparison? I have a great family, I am married to a man that I worship, my children are awesome and healthy, and I have a roof over my head. The rest is just details!
So, I picked myself up and made sure that I am back together again... Two layers of duct tape this time. Strings all double knotted. And just for good measure a little bit of super glue on the top. That should do the trick!

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