Thursday, January 3, 2013


I can't find my goals for 2012. If there is no record of them, they didn't happen. So I didn't fail, correct? If a goal fails in the woods and all that? Right? Actually I had a pretty good year. Not to toot my own horn, but I rocked 2012! I was sort of hoping the Mayans were right because this would have been a good year to go out on. I can never be sure what the future holds and how well I'm going to perform on things pertaining to spirituality. Had the Savior come in December I don't think I would have been too scared. I was ready! Here's to holding it together and improving, always improving, until the Second Coming. What improvements need making this year? Glad you asked. I have to write them down otherwise I don't hold myself accountable (as evidenced above). This year will bring: 1. Not the most important of course, but I have to lose my Lily weight. My diet even has a tagline. All good goals should. It is "lingerie by Valentine's Day." Yup, that just happened. I make no apologies for the occasional TMI you will find here. 2. Read the New Testament. I started just in November and I'm already to Romans, so it's very doable. However, after Jesus dies it does lose some of its luster. 3. Feed the missionaries once a month. (Gotta have those examples for the kiddos). 4. Go to the temple once a month. I am ashamed to say, I spend a lot of 2012 with an expired recommend. Yikes! Visited the Bishopric and Stake men and I am up to date and ready to bring happiness to some dead folks. 5. This is actually going to be the hardest to keep. It is to cut out the junk food my boys eat. Not all, of course. I'm not one of those moms. Good for them, but I don't have it in me. I am going to not give my kids candy or desserts during the week (FHE not included). They can have some on weekends, but right now they expect a treat everytime they eat their whole meal or do something right. It drives me crazy and I am expecting my children will all be toothless soon. 6. Caleb needs to be a fluent reader by Dec 31, 2013. 7. Write. I don't know what yet. A book? A journal? A random list of thoughts too ridiculous to ever see the light of day? Who knows. The point is, I enjoy writing and I got a new laptop for Christmas. The equation looks like this: Love of writing + New laptop = amazing novel (If anyone has an idea for one I'd love to hear it cause I'm drawing a blank.) I didn't really set a number of goals. I figured I could write until I can't think of any more. These goals are the only ones I can come up with at the moment. It could be because It's 1 AM and I just got home from a trip to Utah. 11 hour car rides turn my brain to mush. Goodnight and Good luck!

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