Wednesday, April 17, 2013


A friend of mine said to me yesterday: "Thanks for playing today! Hanging out with you makes me feel better and feel like I want to be a better person."

I'm not going to lie to you... I was in shock. Just two minutes earlier my husband had said I made too many sex jokes. (Sorry for the TMI, but we were talking about if our spouses became quadriplegics. Someone said they didn't know how they'd deal with not being able to have their husband touch them. Um... basically, I got described my ideas and how they'd work. Anyone that knows me knows I have a creative mind...)

I digress.

I asked how in the world I make her want to be better. She said it's apparent that the gospel is a part of my life every day and that I renew her desire to grow spiritually. I think that's the best compliment I've ever gotten. This friend knows my life better than most people. She knows the things I'm good at, but I also talk to her about the things that defeat me. She knows my biggest struggles and the things I need to improve. It was pretty amazing to have someone know me so well and see the best outweigh the bad.

It was a good lesson for me. Kyle thinks I give people the benefit of the doubt too much. The truth is the opposite. I'm way too judgmental. Once someone has disappointed me, I tend to dwell and stay disappointed for far too long. The bad darkens my view of someone and who they could be. It is a weakness I've been working on. Heaven knows I would not want people to dwell on my mistakes. They'd never like me! We're counseled to "judge not, lest ye be judged."

Another one of my friends shared a very spiritual experience of hers last night. It was something that had given her peace in her time of struggles. I could feel the Spirit so strong and was amazed at the outcome of a girls' night.

I'm grateful for my friends and the good they bring to my life. In telling me that I make her want to be a better person, my friend has had the same effect on me and I think that's pretty amazing.

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