Monday, April 1, 2013


I see a common trend, one that I am a part of. 3 sons, then a daughter. I have to wonder at the Almighty's plan behind it. Does he give us 3 boys first to get us ready for the madness of one tiny baby girl? Or is it that if we all had daughters first we would have no more children? Certainly if Lily was first I might not have the number I do. She tries my patience and sanity in ways 3 boys never did. Right now I am sitting next to her crib. She is quiet. Because I am within a two foot radius of her. Her face is still splotchy red from screaming. I imagine if someone were to inspect the inside of my head right now the same colors of chaos, maybe mixed with angry black would be all they saw. Gotta go. Accidentally moved out of eye line and set the beast off again.

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