Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New calling

Not for me, for Kyle. He was finally released from scouts, a calling he really couldn't stand. Now he will be Gospel Doctrine teacher.
I am really excited about this. Probably more so than he is. I think he's actually excited for the experience, but nervous about being the one people see as the person who should have answers to their gospel questions. I get it. That's a lot of pressure.
One of my goals this year was to do scripture reading with Kyle three times a week. We failed last week. But I am thinking maybe this calling is a blessing to help us achieve our goal. We love studying together. We really do! We learn so much and have so much fun. But we also like TV. And vegging out in bed after a day of work and children. But his calling requires a lot of study. So, here's to accomplishing more goals than last year!

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