AHHH... What a terrible day. I knew it was coming. Yet, when he reached 2 without so much as trying I thought it would be a while off still. Then today it happened. Adam took his first head-first dive out of his crib. It happened in slow motion as I watched, but it was all too fast to catch him. I thought for sure the landing was gonna break his neck. But he tucked and rolled like a pro. It is certainly lucky that babies are so pliable; he came out of the incident totally unscathed.
After I placed him back in bed for his nap--with strict instructions to stay put-- I began my search for the pieces to alter his crib into a toddler bed. Such a miniscule mile stone, but I'm so sad. I have loved being a two baby person. Now I'm moving on to one baby and one toddler. That, quite frankly, scares me a little bit. It's a slippery slope from toddler to child to tween to teenager. The next thing I know he'll be going on a mission (fingers crossed) and getting married. I'm just not ready for my little boy to grow up.
All this, you wonder, from a crib dive? I know it may seem a little melodramatic, but the last two years with him have flown by in a matter of seconds. Won't the next few as well? I've already missed videotapping his first steps and when he learned to say his ABCs. I figured there was time. He would stay just as cute and small forever. Now he runs like the devil's chasing him and no one can get him to stop talking. Ah, I miss my baby. A terrible two toddler has replaced him and there is no going back.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Let Them Eat Cake!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Another Halloween Party
Me and the boys went to another halloween party on Tuesday. I was at my parents' ward. We had alot of fun dressing up. If you recognize any of the costumes, don't tell on us! It is very strange being a blogger, you know. My blog says that I have zero followers. Am I talking to myself? Can anyone hear me? Does anyone even care what goes on here? And yet, even if it's just me out here... I don't mind! I guess I like talking to myself. Does that make a loony?
Every lion needs a sippy cup full of milk I think...

People in this picture are (from left) mom as a cat, Emily--snowflake(the snowflake ballerinas from the Nutcracker, specifically), Eva--monkey, Sydney--snowflake, Adam--lion, Lance--Cowboy, Ashley--snowflake, Peyton--Giraffe, Me--snowflake, Caleb--zebra, Madison--Little Red Riding hood.
People in this picture are (from left) mom as a cat, Emily--snowflake(the snowflake ballerinas from the Nutcracker, specifically), Eva--monkey, Sydney--snowflake, Adam--lion, Lance--Cowboy, Ashley--snowflake, Peyton--Giraffe, Me--snowflake, Caleb--zebra, Madison--Little Red Riding hood.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ward Party
This was at our ward on Friday. The boys had fun playing games and trunk or treating... Kyle and I had a great time running after them
This is at the end of the night. Caleb and Kyle are making Indian noises. You can tell by Kyle's face he's ready to go home, but we hadn't trunk or treated yet.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Our new blog
We just took a bunch of pictures at JCPenney. I figured they are as good a place as any to start my blog.

Adam found this duck halfway through the picture sitting. After he found it he would not put it down. He cried everytime I tried to take it away so eventually we just took pictures with the dumb thing.
My sweet Caleb is finally a walker!
Check out that spiky hair.
By this last picture both boys were at their wits end! I think you can tell neither one of them is thrilled to be taking pictures still.

So, I had a blog for about three days once... Then I got bored and took it down. Now I look around and I see that all of my friends and their families have blogs. The world has gone technology crazy! I've lost track of so many people and just recently found them on Facebook and on blogs. I'm not really sure I even know how to work this thing so if anyone is reading this, be patient with me.
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