Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Stupid blood sugar test. I said I wasn't going to take it. The last two pregnancies I've come in the perfect range. All it does is waste an hour of my super busy life. =) Well, I got in trouble at my doctor's office. I was told it's mandatory.
Don't make me do stuff.
I went anyway. I'm a big pansy when it comes to people telling me I have to do something. I'd rather do it than argue.
Today I got a call from my doctor's office. Yup. I failed a blood test. Of all the tests in the world, I failed one that I couldn't even study for. (I sure hope this isn't a new trend. It's finals week!)
I thought I knew everything. "Oh, I've never had a blood sugar problem. I'm awesome and invincible." Stupid me. Life has a way of reminding me there are lots of things I just don't know, even things I think I'm sure about.
I will be taking the 3 hour blood test on Friday. I will keep you posted.
On a different note, I realize that my blog has taken a turn to focusing all on pregnancy stuff. I'm sure this is boring for some of you. I'm sorry. On the other hand, it's kind of my life right now, so you know... If you don't wanna know, don't read. I promise to keep it clean and what I think is interesting. There will be no placenta, dialating, mucus plugging talk, (<- This being the exception, of course.) so if that stuff makes you feel icky, or if you are a man, at least know you are in the clear for reading.
I will try to post some pictures of the fam soon. The boys are awesome and it's selfish for me to keep them all to myself! I probably won't post any pictures of myself. 30 pound overweight me is not my favorite version of myself...
Now that I've slightly rambled...
ta ta for now!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Aw man that stinks! Hopefully you'll come out clean tomorrow. Good luck!