Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Morning!

This is my first time posting a video, so I hope it works.

It recently came to my attention that people that I didn't know were reading actually are. (Hi Ray!) Now, my blog is pretty random and may not be all that interesting to some, so I figured I would make it a little bit more of what people wanted to see and less of my everyday musings.

This is how Kyle wakes up every morning. Not 2 times out of 3, not 6 times out of a week. Every Freaking Morning. And he absolutely loves it! I happen to know he's thrilled our next baby is Levi instead of a Levi-tina. He can't wait for him to come out and get to jumping age. (The better to wrestle you with, my dear!) Now, remember I'm in the bed too. Me and all 7 months of Levi inside me. I am constantly in the danger zone, but when you get 3 boys wrestling it just doesn't matter. I become little more than an afterthought. If anything I'm considered collateral damage to their war games.

I hope you like the video!

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