Sunday, September 19, 2010

If you don't have anything nice to say... please don't grasp at straws!

Piano playing today did not go well. I practiced this week and got semi okay at the songs I was supposed to be playing today. Then I second guessed myself and decided to play the simplified versions, without ever having practiced them. I am not a fantastic sight reader. Okay... I suck.
I got a few very interesting compliments when Relief Society was over.
#1: "I love listening to you play. It's so great when people have to stretch themselves for a calling. You're going to learn so much."
#2: "Thank you for playing. I love listening to you. You're so brave. You just always keep going. It gives me hope that I could learn to play the piano."
What I heard, "I'm trying to be encouraging, but that was just awful."
I hear ya.


Lively's said...

Never second guess yourself! I always shake uncontrollably when I matter how much I practice. And it makes my pedal shake too!

Ashley Gilbert said...

Hey I know exactly how you feel. I was asked to play the piano in our last ward and I seriously had not touched the piano in 10 years! Needless to say I didn't last long in that calling before they wised up and made me the Chorister. hahahaha. I always accept my callings willingly, but I got those same "compliments" The good news is I did learn from it, and I realized I played the piano so well when the next person was called ;) Lol.