Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cold Dead Places

I love seeing a man cry. Not a lot obviously. I don't want a wahhh baby that I have to deal with, but showing a little sensitivity never killed anyone. It makes a manly man somehow just a tiny bit sexier.
Kyle and I were recently talking to someone about emotion. We joked about how Kyle is not an extremely emotional being. He didn't cry when our kids were born and he doesn't cry when he gets hurt (swears like a sailor though). We joke about his cold, dead heart, but I feel okay knowing that any times there have been cracks in the facade it's been for me.
Then we watch Secret Millionaire. It's a show where people move somewhere and meet the local volunteers, then gift them with large amounts of money to help their causes.
Real, wet, salty pools of emotion.
They fill his eyes...
they brim...
here they come!!!

Good job sweetie, you've, once again, successfully proven your Tin-Man likeness.

ps. Kyle has since told me that one lone tear leaked out of his left eye, the one facing away from me. Perhaps he's not a tinman? Or perhaps he doesn't want the world to know about his cold dead places and is trying to hide them behind a turned face excuse? You decide.

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