Wednesday, June 22, 2011


My sweet Levi is a funny little boy. I know I called him a dud in a preceeding post. That's not really the case. I mean, yes he's a little slow; yes, he needs physical therapy to catch up; yes, he probably would be content to let others wait on him hand and foot the rest of his life.

Let's be honest, who of us wouldn't like that last one? And while we're on the subject, who among us hasn't needed the occassional cattle prod to force movement?

That's just me?

Ah. That would make a lot of sense....

Like mother, like son then, eh?

Levi is also sweet and smiley and cuddly and he has the best Spongebob teeth since Eva Marie. He's a happy boy who behaves very well. He sits in his stroller or his car seat without complaining. He is as content to watch movies as he is to sit down to a heaping pile of Cheerios.

I can't believe my tiny man is almost 1. (That may be cause he looks and acts like he's around 8 months... on a good day...) I just love him and I'm so happy the little guy is in our family.

I'm even over the fact that he wasn't a girl.



Okay, so I put bows in his hair and call him Luvenia. Is that so bad?!

I kid, I kid.

This post is all over the place, huh? If you take one thing away from it, it should be that I love Levi. If you take away two... well then you understand what's happening here better than I do.

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