Friday, June 3, 2011

Good morning, now have a bad day.

Have you ever aggravated your spouse so much before 9 AM that you know their gonna be pissy all day? Isn't it a shame to waste a day when people wake up on the right ride of the bed? Why oh why, did I drag Kyle, kicking and screaming, to the wrong side?

It started yesterday actually. I went out to the car to get juice boxes for the boys.

This morning I went to finish cleaning my stuff out of the car... Oops. Left the door open. Lghts are not coming on. Holy shiz for brains, I have to tell Kyle I killed the car. He was not happy.

I made the boys and me eggs for breakfast, there weren't enough for Kyle, so I had to make a second batch. I lost control of the carton and two eggs took a tumble. All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't scrub clean the mess again. So into the wash the kitchen rugs went. I ended up giving Kyle my eggs. (I honestly wasn't trying to get on his bad side!)

Kyle got into the shower. "why is there no water pressure?!?!?) oh yeah, washer is running. He also had to eat a second breakfast cause he ate my breakfast and the amount of a dieting woman does not satisfy a 28 year old man.

I wasn't trying to piss the man off. In fact, I was trying pretty hard to make him have a good morning. Guess that was a big fat failure!

1 comment:

Britty said...

LOL! Tell him to suck it up, buttercup!