Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have a favorite child. Admit it, you do too.

I don't love the others less. I just like them less. Is that horrible? I won't say who it is, but I'll give you a hint. It isn't the whiny one or the dud. Kyle's favorite is the dud, which just makes me feel bad for the whiny one. He's such a sweet boy, but must every sound out of his mouth be a whine?

Recently my favorite has been a delight to be with. He is polite and obedient and as funny as they come.

Honestly when I'm with the other two and they are behaving I like them just as much. The dud cuddles me and makes me feel like a million bucks. When we are separated I miss him the most. The whiner also has his plusses. That smile and his intense love for me. He would play with my hair and hug and kiss me all day if I let him. I think Heavenly Father made them love me extra so that they could stay in my good graces.


Put 'em in a lineup and I'd pick the same one every time.

1 comment:

Sydney Tovar said...

hahaha! best post EVER. poor Caleb and Levi!