Thursday, June 23, 2011

Poop is funny!

Here are a couple of things Caleb said within a 20 minute period that made me laugh.

First off, Adam was singing the Farmers insurance jingle. Altered of course. "we are Farmers! Da da da da poop poop poop!"

This gave Caleb the giggles. He said "sing it again!" but Adam had moved on to other obnoxiousness. Caleb, the sweet little simpleton, had to improvise: "we are poop farmers!" hah!

I wonder what poop farmers do...

Second story. Sorry for the TMI on this one, but I still think it's worth sharing.

Occasionally the boys take too long to eat. An hour will go by and I'm still having to remind them why they are at the table. Today we went to Six Flags. At around 8 PM we were finally home and eating dinner. Because the boys had fallen asleep on the drive home I was planning on letting them stay up late and watch a movie. But not if dinner took an hour.

Kyle was in charge of turning on the movie, but said he would do it after he, um, took care of business, if you catch my drift. Knowing it was all taken care of, I went upstairs. Pretty soon I hear Caleb's pitter patter and then a knock on the downstairs bathroom door.

"Hey Daddy, don't be done pooping okay? Stay on the toilet until we are done eating!"

I know people may not find this quite as hilarious as I did, but maybe it made you chuckle.


Lively's said...

That kid is a crack up! I miss them already!

Bryan and Felicia said...

Seriously, Caleb really does say the funniest things.

Laine said...

Best. Quote. Ever.

My kids don't say anything cool anymore. So lame.