Thursday, September 10, 2015

"On Being Genuine" - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

This talk reminds me a bit of "Truly Good and Without Guile" or whatever the title of that one was. It is all about being true to our testimony, remembering the reason we do things and going about them for the right reason. Not seeking praise of anybody. The Lord sees in secret.

President Uchtdorf asks us to look inside of ourselves and ask why we are here. I took "here" to be an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I think he meant it more literally, speaking of conference. Before I went on reading I tried to answer that. I thought "I am here because the fruits of the Gospel are better than any you could find any other place on Earth." That would be my very simple reason, and felt good enough for me. But when I read President Utchdorf's response, I wanted to change it. He says, "I am here because I desire with all my heart to follow my Master, Jesus Christ. I yearn to do all that He asks of me in this great cause. I hunger to be edified by the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of God as He speaks through His ordained servants. I am here to become a better man, to be lifted by the inspiring examples of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and to learn how to more effectively minister to those in need.

In short, I am here because I love my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ."

Yes! This!!! This is why I am here. This needs to be why we are all here. I think if we kept this in mind being genuine would come more naturally to us. We wouldn't be in church concerned with other things. We would fulfill the callings we hold. We would seek the Lord constantly. He reminds us that even sparks of tesimony can be stoked into blazing bonfires. That's what I'm trying to do. I want the Burning Man of testimonies and I am working hard for it.

Probably everyone has heard by now his analogy of the church not being a showroom for cars, but a repair shop. We need to remember that coming to church is not to put your best face on, but to receive the maintenance we need. 

I left my phone at home this last Sunday. On purpose. I thought it was time to try to get a little more out of my lessons. Particularly Sacrament meeting. I reached for my phone probably 5 times. To check something, to text someone, to take a picture of my kids... Even though I usually feel naked without it, it was quite a relief to not have it. I was able to listen, and to pull out my actual scriptures. Most people just use their LDS apps for scriptures and I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. However, for me the phone is a distraction. I think I will leave it home every Sunday. I think it will bless my life to have just 3 hours a week without it. 

I love the Gospel. I know people fall away because they have problems with the church sometimes. The people, the History... whatever it is, these things are not the Gospel. People make mistakes but our Father in Heaven doesn't and His Word is pure and true. I think, if we are all genuine we will make such good missionaries. Imagine a church of real Christ-like people. Who could resist that?

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