Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"The Priesthood - A Sacred Gift" - President Thomas S. Monson


   I listened to this talk a couple of days ago in the car and just haven't had time to write about it. I generally don't write Friday-Sunday anyway. I just don't have the same free time in the mornings.

   I liked the story about President Monson giving his first priesthood blessing. For some reason this story stood out to me in a comforting way. I always worry that I am not doing enough for my kids spiritually, but President Monson had never even seen a priesthood blessing until he was in the Navy. For some reason that just makes it seem like I'm doing okay. If God's prophet had to read a manual on how to give a blessing, my kids might just be fine.

   My next few posts may not be very long. They are all priesthood talks. There is plenty in there to analyze and love, but it is not really directed to me. I will say that I am very glad my husband has the priesthood and uses it for our family. We just did father's blessings two weeks ago and that is always a special time for us. This year, Lily did exactly what Levi did last year. She hopped up ready to receive a blessing for school and wouldn't take no for an answer. I will probably always carry the image of her folding her arms so tight and being so reverent.

   Kyle is very good at making sure our children have the gospel. While I am generally the leader in enforcing or changing things in our house, he is always very quick to follow my lead. For instance, we started soccer recently. Our kids love soccer. But it doesn't leave us with many free nights or time. We have not been able to read our scriptures and that has been disappointing. Really if I think toward the future, I see this only getting worse, not better. As activities multiply, night time reading together just won't happen. A couple of days ago, I asked him how he felt about getting up just after six to read with our kids before school. He was not excited. He already has to get up pretty early to take them to school and this would cut out almost 30 minutes of his sleep. Yet, he agreed that it was a reasonable solution and said he would do it. I kind of thought he would just not get up when the time came, but he did. He was excellent. He is always willing to help our family get on the best track possible. That is honoring your priesthood. Not just doing the things set forward as priesthood duties, but leading your family as our Father would have him do. I am rather lucky.

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