Monday, March 15, 2010


Being pregnant for the third time is very different than being pregnant with a first or even second child. For one thing, I barely notice the weeks tick by. I know I am 22 weeks pregnant, or a nice round 5 months, but that doesn't really concern me a whole lot. Levi will come out when he's good and cooked. No, I don't count in weeks anymore... I count in pounds.
13 pounds so far.
There is a way to figure out if I'm on track or gaining too much weight. For the first 1-12 weeks you're supposed to gain between 0 and 5 pounds. Starting at 13 weeks you can gain a pound a week and still be optimistic. According to this I could be 14 pounds and still not call myself out of control. YAY!!!! 1 pound under is still a win!
Sure, I'm not the lightest pregnant woman on the face of the earth... I am on track to hit the top of the weight requirements. It's still an improvement! Having gained 40 pounds back to back for Adam and Caleb, I know I can safely go all the way up to 175 before adding tiger stripes to my already decorated hide. Mind you... I don't intend to get up there...
On a related note, I watched Kendra last night. She's one of Hugh Hefner's ex-girlfriends. She moved out, got her own show, got married and had a baby. Last night she was sad about her weight and got depressed about how much she is still carrying from her baby. She talked about wanting to be sexy for her husband and such. It was so sad! I'm not gonna lie, my face leaked just a wee bit. I know it's silly, but I totally feel her pain. Your spouse can tell you you're hot all they want... you've seen the changes, and they are not for the best! (small exception is the great baby feeders sprouting from your chest.)
I love my kids. And I love baby making. (Practicing, growing them, feeling them kick, the whole works!) But sometimes it's freaking hard! Why do I have to be ugly just to have a baby?!?!
I could deal with the big belly. But really now! The fat arms, the ankle-less legs, the teenager skin? Is ALL of it necessary?


Lively's said...

Lance tells me that I have sausage toes when I am pregnant. At least we have something to laugh about! But, I only have one more day of this. You have many many more! Just thought I would remind you of that little fact!

Christina said...

Thanks for rubbing it in! At least my toes are still svelte!