I know I haven't posted pictures in a long freaking time. This is today with their cousins at Wendys and Fairytale town.

They posted backwards. This is the end of the day. They are lined up so that I could put them in the car one at a time, in hopes of reducing the chance someone will become roadkill. It seems to work.

Adam and Andie were best friends for the first year of their life. Andie moved away, but it's never really changed their friendship when they are together. They walked around Fairytale Town holding hands almost the whole time. I told them to put their arms around each other for a picture. I thought it was kind of cute the way Andie did it.

...Until she was strangling Adam. =)

Peyton was also with us, but she was in line getting food at the time of this picture. This is almost all the cousins in my family. Eva wasn't able to come. Parker will be born in a matter of days and Levi (what we are naming our son) will be here in July.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Sorry I don't post them more often. I kind of like writing better. Plus my camera battery was dead and I'm lazy. These pictures are to prove that I am doing my resolutions. Fairytale Town is one big park. I rock.
haha very cute. Is that Whitney's boy? Is she in Sac town now?
Yeah, Whitt's been here for about a year going to Cosmotology school. She graduates in a few weeks and will be moving to Bakersfield where her husband is in the sherriff's academy.
It is amazing how much all these kids look alike!
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