Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm sick of being sick!

Thursday was the beginning. I found that if I thought about any single part of my body, it either hurt or didn't feel good. For instance: my throat hurt, my head hurt, I was nauseous (Stomach?), my back (tailbone area) was killing me... If I focused hard enough on my fingers I'm pretty sure I would have found something wrong with them. We have a girl's night type thing here at my house every Thursday. Well, it started as girl's night. Now it's girls-and-if-you-have-a-spouse-close-by-bring-him-on-in night. I started feeling so icky that I wanted people to go home. I NEVER want people to go home. I love having girls/whatever night at my house every week.
Friday I wasn't really better or worse. The day started off fine, but as my fatigue increased, so did my discomfort.
Saturday was awful. I haven't been sick enough to throw up in at least a month, so I was shocked to be this nauseous. First went the poptarts. Next the soup. Then cookies and milk (at 3 in the morning, I might add). Lastly, the water and clementine that I had tried to eat for breakfast on Sunday.
Sunday, as I already mentioned, lost my clementine. Needless to say, we did not make it to church.
The worst part of my personal sickness, was that Kyle was sick this whole time too! He got a flu that made his sinuses clog up so bad he could barely stand to move his head. So, besides not being able to take care of myself, he and I had to take turns trying to take care of each other. Saturday morning I got up and made him breakfast in bed and stayed up with the boys so he could sleep. Sunday I laid on the couch next to my poor baby the entire day while he took care of the boys and trying to feed me.
WHAT A NIGHTMARE! As a piece of advice to anyone out there who reads this: If you are planning on getting sick, make sure your spouse isn't going to be out of commission at the same time, particularly if you have kids. Talk about the blind leading the blind!

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