Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why I love Boys

#1. Boys have very high energy. I love watching them run and play. They are always up for a good time.
#2. is an extension of #1. Little boys bring out Kyle's inner child.
#3. Boys love their mommies and tell them they are beautiful.
#4. applies only to second and third children: I don't have to buy whole wardrobes of new clothes.
#5. I love fat boy baby legs in shorts. Girls just don't even come close to the edibleness of boy legs.
#6. Boy names are way easier to pick out.
#7. Boys need only 2 pairs of shoes. 1 for church, 1 for play.

I made this list in keeping with my resolutions. Yes, I had my ultrasound today and found out we are having another boy. I am happy he is a healthy sucker, but I am working a little bit on the being happy he is a "he" part.

See above numbers 1, 2, 4, & 7.

On a slightly more upbeat note, how cool are ultrasounds?! Today I learned that my baby doesn't have Down Syndrome, doesn't have a cleft lip, and doesn't have a club foot. No ultrasound technician before has explained all the cool things they are looking for. They did move my due date back though. I think he's just small, like Adam, but my new due date is July 28th. Way out at the hottest fricken time of year. Hooray for babyhood.


Nicole said...

Yay Congrats! Gotta love boys! ;)

The Clifts said...

Hooray for baby boys! They are going to be the hot Parkhurst boys in high school :)