Monday, February 22, 2010


Wow, do taxes blow or what?! I spent most of my Monday morning figuring out forms and credits and other tax crap. I'm still glad I do my taxes myself cause it saves me a lot of money, but really.... it is worth it? The headache I get every year courtesy of the IRS can hardly be worth the few bucks it would be to have a pro take on my paperwork. On the other hand... I do love watching that refund number go up or down as I enter things. I love the excited feeling of "OOOH What am I gonna do with that money!?" or "Oh crap, do I really have to enter that?" haha. Don't worry. I always do. I never lie on my taxes.
Well, the boys are up from their nap. Guess I can procrastinate finishing taxes for a while. (I have been desperately looking for some excuse, you know!)


Nicole said...

I hate taxes although I do know that familiar feeling when the price goes up or down. haha. However, we just found out that we have been completely overlooking a very important deduction we should have been taking for the last 3 years that we haven't been (mostly because we've been doing it ourselves and didn't know!). So this year we will be going to a tax company. Brad swears by a company actually. He says a couple hundred bucks to a tax preparer is worth it because it gets him THOUSANDS more than he would have himself! haha who knows. Good luck with it all. Oh and btw we want to see pics of what you call "fat pants" hahahah. Yea right Christina, I don't think you could ever be fat! Although, I do know what everyone says about me and how I feel about myself. *sigh. Anyways, I'm babbling cause the kids are in bed and I'm sitting watching the Olympics and blog stalking with my pistachio pudding and Nilla wafers. Oh life is good! ;)

Ashley Gilbert said...

We are always so excited for tax time, because now that we are married, AND have a baby, we got a great refund! It takes a long time to get it all done, but it is DEFINITELY worth it!