Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello Hubs!

Kyle has been out of town since Tuesday morning. (And I mean morning. I helped get him out the door at 2 AM after a 2 hour nap. Poor thing) He has been in Texas at a conference for work. He was excited to go because he got an award and got to stand up on stage and have everyone ooh and ahhh at how awesome he is. It's true, he's awesome. He is great at selling insurance. He gets people good deals and everyone that has him is happy with him. Especially me!
So, I think he's had a fun time. Me not so much. I say "I think" because Kyle is not much of a phone person. When he is here and he gets home from work I get a good rundown of his day. He tells me all about the interesting, cool, disappointing, even the boring things. And then we get in bed and cuddle most of the night. We sleep like two halves of a pretzel.
Well, apparently, my husband is not much of a phone talker. He could have fooled me, since we dated long distance for about five months, the phone being our main communication. Anyway, on this trip he has called me twice a day, at the most, and had 5 minute conversations, at the longest. UGH. It's like he's been gone off the face of the planet!
I have been missing him and am excited for him to come home tonight! I woke up and even with a headache I still managed to clean the whole house. Then out of pure faith I moved a mountain. Laundry, of course. I'm still working on the real mountains, though I think I've seen some movement on the hill outside. Point is, there is little that is better than coming home to a clean house. The one thing that is better is coming home to a clean house with clean sheets and a hot wife (still working on the last part, but I got the rest down.)
The boys are excited for him to come home too. Poor things have been trying to wrestle me all week. Caleb came in this morning looking for him cause he wanted to "Play with Daddy." By the way, "Play" is spelled "phlegm-w-a-y". Adam just reminds me "Daddy's out of town." As if I could forget!
He needs to get home quick cause I miss him and I'm just no Daddy!

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