Sunday, July 28, 2013


Most people have at least one phobia that just scares the life out of them. Fear of spiders is a common one...
Not so common is bear-phobia. It might sound ridiculous, nonetheless, it's very real! The sad part is I love camping! Right now it's 1 AM. Of a group of 30 campers, I am one of four awake. 3 of the men are playing Risk at the picnic table. Me? I'm listening to every creek, every breath, every whisper around us.
 We've had sightings of bears twice already this trip. Once, the rangers were around and scared them away. On their way back one remarked that they needed to be sure they took a hand held (gun) next time because that mother bear was awful feisty. Not the kind of thing I want to hear. 
People keep telling me that Benadryl and ear plugs are the way to get sleep while camping. I tell them, "if I'm going to be attacked by a bear, I need to have my wits about me." They keep saying the bears are harmless. Oh yeah? Then why do the rangers need a gun?! This is the third night of camping. I'm exhausted. I am positive I won't be sleeping though. Yet again...

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