Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm awesome.

I got a new calling a couple of weeks ago. Out with the piano, in with the... baton? I don't know how the bishopric got it into their heads that I should do something in music. I chalk it up to inspiration. Otherwise I would never be brave or non-lazy enough to take on new callings.

My new calling is Assistant Primary chorister.

What does an assistant chorister do? Why I'm glad you asked. I'm not sure this was a real calling until I got it. The new primary chorister, aka my superior, is heavy with child. I mean heavy. She's got like a month left till the bouncing ball of goo arrives. I was given this calling as a back up for the ticking time bomb. Said ticking time bomb asked me to direct every other week. Well, that sounded like craziness to me, but being one who tries (not always successfully, as my last venture proves) to magnify their calling, I accepted.

Yesterday was my first day behind the stand. I was nervous. I made paper cubes that told who (all those with sisters... etc...) and how (like an opera singer... etc...) they had to sing. Then I thought that idea was lame and I stuffed the cubes in the bottom of my bag, where I was sure they would be crumpled.

Next I decided on a bribe. This seemed like the best way to get in with the younglings. They sang and I tested their knowledge of the new song. Of course I let even the ones who sucked have candy. What are you gonna do?

Besides the bribe I didn't do anything majorly special. I had loads of energy and acted a little silly.

I got a lot of compliments on my singing time. One lady said I was a "shot in the arm" for the room full of old teachers. That was nice. I guess since I fall between the wee folk and the foot-in-the-gravers I can relate to everyone.

My apprehension for this calling has shifted to excitement. I'm pretty sure I will like it. Does that necessarily mean the kids will like it?



Britty said...

That's so awesome! My mom was the primary chorister for years and she loved it too! I'm a total geek and singing primary songs is one of my favourite things. I'm very glad for the women that taught me. :)

Lively's said...

I don't remember ONE of my primary teachers, but I do remember the Chorister. Same with the songs. I don't remember any specific sharing times, but I remember all the songs (not the best thing since I am responsible to teach sharing time once a month)! You are going to be great!