Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"The joy of living a Christ centered life" - Richard J. Maynes

     Elder Maynes begins his talk with the analogy of the potter's clay not being centered. I really like this analogy because it is about exactness. Sometimes I feel that just being close enough is good enough. For instance, not watching rated R movies means that I am not watching filth, not drinking coffee means that I am following the Word of Wisdom right? I would say that kind of clay is on the wheel, but perhaps a little off the center. So what ways am I not on center? What ways can I improve to be exactly on the wheel? Again this brings me to the recent counsel of Sabbath worship. It is the one thing that keeps coming back to me after conference. Even when it isn't mentioned in a talk, it comes to my conscience that it is a way for me to improve. One of these talks around here told us to pray and ask what more we could be doing. I believe that the reason every talk speaks of the Sabbath to me is because it is the Spirit whispering the answer. Don't get me wrong. My Sabbath is fine. It is the "not drinking coffee" of keeping the Word of Wisdom. But I know there is so much more. Our leaders are calling us, calling me to action.
     I had never noticed the contrast of Lamoni wanting to save his life versus wanting the joy of the Gospel. For his life he would give half his kingdom, for eternal life he would give all. It gives me chills just to think about. I imagine the kind of spirit he must have felt when Aaron preached to him. What a blessing he received to feel it so strongly.
     Sometimes converts get to feel the Spirit a little stronger than those born into the church. The absence of light makes it that much more profound when they get it. I am kind of a convert. I don't know if people would consider me one. But in this manner I am a convert. I came into the church when I was 9. I was raised catholic before that. I remember going to primary in some of my first days and just being amazed. I remember knowing the songs better than those who had been around their whole lives. Even seminary was a wonderful experience to me. Some were sleepy and just there to appease their parents. I won the scripture bowl every year. I was soaking up all the goodness because the gospel had not grown everyday to me.
    Be advised, this did not make me a perfect teenager or adult. I still have had my own problems and doubts and such, but in those early days and with the innocence of my youth, I felt the Spirit in a very real, very strong way.
     The reminder in this talk is simply that we need to center our lives in Jesus for happiness and stability. Centering our lives come easy when we feel His Spirit.

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