Monday, August 24, 2015

Preserving Agency. Protecting Religious Freedomh- Robert D. Hales

I am not going to lie. I'm kind of phoning this one in. I've had a busy morning and my mind Isn't where it should be for this. I just sent my third little guy off to school and my mind is with him.
   This talk is all about protecting religious freedom. I think as a church we have to be very defensive right now. I don't like hearing it really. I'd rather pretend everything is honky dory and our votes matter and such, but that really isn't the case is it? I mean, we voted against something that we believe is morally wrong and even though we won, it Was legalized. Our agency was taken away and our decision was made for us. What a shame.
  We need to be careful not to be complacent in our community. I don't know any issues we are facing, and I probably should. How can I defend our rights, if I don't know what's going on? Shame on me! As usual. ;)

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